lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

School kills creativity

I loved this video! I guess, sometimes in my life I had thought about it... but never so deeply as Ken talks about it. Something that got very much my attention, was when he talked about how people teach to children, how to do things on the "right way", and also how they teach about mistakes.
I've always liked very much children's creativity, and I have to confess that sometimes I envy their energy and simplicity to see things that seems complex to adults. I have two little cousins and I love to play and talk with them, but they exhaust me, and I have to admit that I get them to be quiet saying things like "you're behaving badly to me!", or sometimes, when we are playing and they start cheating, I reproach them, although I know they're just playing or just having fun.
I think almost adults do these kind of things unconsciously... We want the best for our children, little brothers or any child near to us, but we have to be carefully about being rigorous and not kill -as Picasso says- the innate artist of creativity they got inside theirselves.

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