miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009
My ideal job
I think I have never thought too much about how would must be my favourite job... first of all, I think it must fulfill one very important condition: I must have the control over it, and I¿m talking about the precious time. As any sane person, I'd like to have a job that I love, I hope it's related to my career because I really like it and I'm very interested in some labour areas. Anyway, coming back to the previous thing, I'd love to have an equilibrium in time for job, for me and people I love. I am that kind of person who loves to do many different things and hates routine... that makes me mad, and I get stressed. Another request is that it must be an outdoor job, or not in an office, at least. I don't like very much small places, overcoat when it's full of people... but I like people :) and that's the last condition of my ideal job, to be in contact with people, although I think that if my job is related to my area I will never be alone.
My favourite subject
Psychology!! It's my favourite subject. The teacher is Juan Enrique Wilson, and he's the most kind teacher I've ever had... This subject, as its name says, is about very general psychology; in class, we've discussed about a lot of interesting things like personality's development, emotions, motivations and theories about learning. Every session is very entertaining, it always comes up controversial ideas that we all, students and teacher, discuss. I like these situations when anyone can expose and talk about his point of view, I think that's cool because I don't like class where teacher talks and talks about the subject and the students are just like auditors which have to memorize and repeat... I think that's because of the teacher's attitude and the students' interest and disposition... I think most of us enjoy this class. As I mentioned before, I've learned many variated things about psychology, although it's just a general vision still... I think the most important thing I've learned, or in better words, the most important thing that I've realized is that I love psychology.
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
School kills creativity
I loved this video! I guess, sometimes in my life I had thought about it... but never so deeply as Ken talks about it. Something that got very much my attention, was when he talked about how people teach to children, how to do things on the "right way", and also how they teach about mistakes.
I've always liked very much children's creativity, and I have to confess that sometimes I envy their energy and simplicity to see things that seems complex to adults. I have two little cousins and I love to play and talk with them, but they exhaust me, and I have to admit that I get them to be quiet saying things like "you're behaving badly to me!", or sometimes, when we are playing and they start cheating, I reproach them, although I know they're just playing or just having fun.
I think almost adults do these kind of things unconsciously... We want the best for our children, little brothers or any child near to us, but we have to be carefully about being rigorous and not kill -as Picasso says- the innate artist of creativity they got inside theirselves.
lunes, 1 de junio de 2009
The future
I think that I'm not sure about what I want for my future. This must be, because I really don't like too much to plain especific things... you never know the things that could happen from today to five years ahead.
Anyway... In five years from now, I would love to be living on my own house, far away from Santiago. I don't like too much this city, because it's noisy and people's always running every ways. I would like to live in a little town, near to the beach; a place where I can relax myself. To achieve this purpose, I would must be graduated from University, and working in anything that I like... I really don't care about having a job that's not related with my career in the beggining, whereas I feel comfortable.
Another thing that I would love to do, is to have some savings and make a trip to India and some countries of Middle East. Although I don't know exactly what I want for my future, there are some things that I would love to do... I hope these things get real before five years from now :)
Anyway... In five years from now, I would love to be living on my own house, far away from Santiago. I don't like too much this city, because it's noisy and people's always running every ways. I would like to live in a little town, near to the beach; a place where I can relax myself. To achieve this purpose, I would must be graduated from University, and working in anything that I like... I really don't care about having a job that's not related with my career in the beggining, whereas I feel comfortable.
Another thing that I would love to do, is to have some savings and make a trip to India and some countries of Middle East. Although I don't know exactly what I want for my future, there are some things that I would love to do... I hope these things get real before five years from now :)
lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009
The best in my area
Today I'm gonna write something about a man called John Watson. I don't think he's the best in my area, because I really don't have knowns enough to choose that one...
Anyway... Watson was an American psychologist from the beggining of the nineteenth century, and he studied human behavior. He was the first in his area, who studied behavior as a result of many factors from the environment.I like his perspective to analyze behavior because I think it was very controversial at his time, when psychoanalysis -having internal impulses as basis of behavior- was the predominant movement. It's interesting because theoretically all humans get born with the same potential capacities, and even at present the environment and upbringing influence are obvious for everyone, in that time it was unthinkable.
I think he made a very important contribution to nowadays psychology. Watson formulated the basis of behaviorism, which today, is one of the most interesting philosophy of psychology.
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
Today I'm gonna tell you something about my career: psychology. As I told before, I chose it for two reasons: the first one, is that I've always felt curiosity about human's mind mysteries. The second one is because of one of my best friends, who studies psychology too... I suspect she made me a brain wash to make me finally, choose this option.
Being here, I think it was a good choice... Every day I'm more interested about the things that we see in the class. I love subjects about philosophy and psychology, I think they're very interesting and also, they make me open my mind and see the things from different perspectives... I like to meditate and reflect sometimes, about daily things.
The only one thing I don't like is that University is so far away from home! And I hate to wake up early, it makes me down to see the sun still doesn't comes out, and that it's cold and dark... but it's just a detail, because I really like the career, and my partners are the best!
I still don't know what I want for the future, I really don't have good references about the specializations, even legal psychology attracts me a little... I think I can't choose yet, so I will wait to know better about it.
The important thing is that I feel that I've found my place, and that makes me happy...
Being here, I think it was a good choice... Every day I'm more interested about the things that we see in the class. I love subjects about philosophy and psychology, I think they're very interesting and also, they make me open my mind and see the things from different perspectives... I like to meditate and reflect sometimes, about daily things.
The only one thing I don't like is that University is so far away from home! And I hate to wake up early, it makes me down to see the sun still doesn't comes out, and that it's cold and dark... but it's just a detail, because I really like the career, and my partners are the best!
I still don't know what I want for the future, I really don't have good references about the specializations, even legal psychology attracts me a little... I think I can't choose yet, so I will wait to know better about it.
The important thing is that I feel that I've found my place, and that makes me happy...
miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009
My favourite pic

My favourite pic was taken three years ago... On December 2006, me and my best friends went to an electronic festival: Earthdance. This festival is celebrated in San Francisco de Mostazal, a very small town near to Santiago, and the celebration lasts three days, usually Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
We took the train to San Francisco de Mostazal in Estación Central, so there it started our adventure. We were carrying carps, flashlights, clothes... we looked like gypsies haha...
When we arrived at this town, we were amazed because the place was so nice and beautiful!!! It was a long field with electronic music everywhere... there was three stages with differents styles of electronic music, and also there was another stage where people could buy natural juices or practice some extreme sports.
The place was full of people, there were carps everywhere, it was like being into another world. All the people was happy and kind, everyone had a smile to give, so we infected of this good vibe. I think it was a very beautiful and relaxing experience, and the best is that it was with the coolest partners ever!!!
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009
My most precious possession
On November of the last year, my brother brought to our home a little puppy dog. Even my parents weren't agree with the idea of having a pet (because we live in an appartment), in secret, he saved some money for three months and then he bought the dog. Me and his girlfriend were the only persons who knew about it.
So, someday he came home from university, carrying the little puppy in his bag... she was so pretty!!! From the first time I saw her, I fell deeply in love with her.
She's a black Dachshund, known as a "hot dog" haha, and she's very sweet and playful.
At the beginning, my parents (specially my mom) acted very indifferent about this new member in the family; they didn't get angry because of my brother's disobedience, but they didn't glad neither. The days passed, and they fond with the puppy... it was impossible to resist to her! So, through these months she's been taking a place in our hearts; she doesn't like to be alone, so she's a very good partner, even just making company.
I think she came to my home to make me and my family, a little bit happier. Almost time we're busy, and we don't see too much at the week, so it's nice to get home and see that someone shakes her tail and is glad too see us...
So, someday he came home from university, carrying the little puppy in his bag... she was so pretty!!! From the first time I saw her, I fell deeply in love with her.
She's a black Dachshund, known as a "hot dog" haha, and she's very sweet and playful.
At the beginning, my parents (specially my mom) acted very indifferent about this new member in the family; they didn't get angry because of my brother's disobedience, but they didn't glad neither. The days passed, and they fond with the puppy... it was impossible to resist to her! So, through these months she's been taking a place in our hearts; she doesn't like to be alone, so she's a very good partner, even just making company.
I think she came to my home to make me and my family, a little bit happier. Almost time we're busy, and we don't see too much at the week, so it's nice to get home and see that someone shakes her tail and is glad too see us...
lunes, 27 de abril de 2009
My last vacations
On January of this year I went to Elqui Valley in the north of Chile. I spent ten days in this place with my best friends; Consuelo, Victoria, Paulina and Dominic (they're all women). They're my friends since I was just a little girl, I met them at school, so we grew up together. Because of this we have a lot of things in commun, so we have very much fun together.
We decided to visit this little town because it's too quiet and disconnnected from all the hustle of the big city. We stayed in a camping named Rancho Rodriguez, in Pisco Elqui town, where there was a lot of young people, like us.
Being there we did too many things. One day we visited Horcón, a small artisan village, where all the people was nice and so hippie!. Me and my friends bought some stuff, and then we drinked natural juice of "copao", an acid fruit from this region. Another day we went to an aquatic park in Altovalsol, another small town, near to Pisco Elqui. We stayed in this place one full day, there was so many tobbogans, it was very exciting!!
Every night, in the camping, the administrator (Darío) lit a bonfire, and all the people staying there approached to it; some people brought drinks, another guitars, or any other instrument, so we sat around the bonfire singing, talking, sharing our drinks and laughing.
After being in Pisco Elqui, me and my friends went to La Serena. We stayed there around three days, we came back to civilization haha. The best of La Serena is its beach!! In January, it's full of argentinean tourists, they're so handsome!! We went out to beach parties every night and we could dance all night long, because it was so nice!
I think it was my best vacations, when we came back to Santiago it was so sad... but I'm waiting for the next summer and I'm also thinking about my next destiny...
We decided to visit this little town because it's too quiet and disconnnected from all the hustle of the big city. We stayed in a camping named Rancho Rodriguez, in Pisco Elqui town, where there was a lot of young people, like us.
Being there we did too many things. One day we visited Horcón, a small artisan village, where all the people was nice and so hippie!. Me and my friends bought some stuff, and then we drinked natural juice of "copao", an acid fruit from this region. Another day we went to an aquatic park in Altovalsol, another small town, near to Pisco Elqui. We stayed in this place one full day, there was so many tobbogans, it was very exciting!!
Every night, in the camping, the administrator (Darío) lit a bonfire, and all the people staying there approached to it; some people brought drinks, another guitars, or any other instrument, so we sat around the bonfire singing, talking, sharing our drinks and laughing.
After being in Pisco Elqui, me and my friends went to La Serena. We stayed there around three days, we came back to civilization haha. The best of La Serena is its beach!! In January, it's full of argentinean tourists, they're so handsome!! We went out to beach parties every night and we could dance all night long, because it was so nice!
I think it was my best vacations, when we came back to Santiago it was so sad... but I'm waiting for the next summer and I'm also thinking about my next destiny...
lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
My Best Friend
My best friend is called María Consuelo. I met her at school in 1993, when we were just little girls. The truth, is that I really don't remember very well how we met, but she's been by my side since I have concience.
Consuelo lived near to my home, so after the school, we always met in a park with another kids of the neighborhood. We used to play football, and also, in that park my father teached her to bike. At the same time we were growing up, we made too many friends in comun, so when we became teenagers we had a nice group of friends. With all our friends we used to go out on vacations; we went to La Serena, Viña del Mar and Valparaíso. After starting our last year in highschool we traveled to Brazil with all our classmates, on a "study trip", even though the less thing we did was studying. I think that was the best trip of my life, beacuse I met too many nice people, too many places, and I was with my best friends since always.
We graduated from highschool in 2005, and the next year I took as sabatic, while she got into University to study Differential Education. Even we took different destinies, we are still friends, and I see her almost every weekend; when I don't I miss her too much! I think she's unique, and that she will always be my best friend.
Consuelo lived near to my home, so after the school, we always met in a park with another kids of the neighborhood. We used to play football, and also, in that park my father teached her to bike. At the same time we were growing up, we made too many friends in comun, so when we became teenagers we had a nice group of friends. With all our friends we used to go out on vacations; we went to La Serena, Viña del Mar and Valparaíso. After starting our last year in highschool we traveled to Brazil with all our classmates, on a "study trip", even though the less thing we did was studying. I think that was the best trip of my life, beacuse I met too many nice people, too many places, and I was with my best friends since always.
We graduated from highschool in 2005, and the next year I took as sabatic, while she got into University to study Differential Education. Even we took different destinies, we are still friends, and I see her almost every weekend; when I don't I miss her too much! I think she's unique, and that she will always be my best friend.
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009
Something about me
Hello, my Name is Valentina and I'm a universitary student of Psychology. I was born in Santiago de Chile in 1988, so actually I'm 21 years old.
When I finished school, I took a sabbatic year and after that, I started studying Architecture in the Universidad de Chile. I had a really good experience being there, I met a lot of nice people and I learned too many interesting things. I discovered that I had some habilities that I didn't knew I have, and I got a boyfriend too, who makes me very happy until today.
I changed my destiny because construction is something that I hate, it`s very boring to me. I`ve always had some interest about psychology and all mind's mysteries. Also, some of my best friends curses 4th grade in the Universidad Diego Portales, and sometimes I think she made me a brain wash to make me choose to get into this career... so here I am.
When I finished school, I took a sabbatic year and after that, I started studying Architecture in the Universidad de Chile. I had a really good experience being there, I met a lot of nice people and I learned too many interesting things. I discovered that I had some habilities that I didn't knew I have, and I got a boyfriend too, who makes me very happy until today.
I changed my destiny because construction is something that I hate, it`s very boring to me. I`ve always had some interest about psychology and all mind's mysteries. Also, some of my best friends curses 4th grade in the Universidad Diego Portales, and sometimes I think she made me a brain wash to make me choose to get into this career... so here I am.
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